Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh So Fulfilling

I first tried Sao Paulo's when I was a student at UT. I used to only stick with the Tex-Mex they had because I was intimidated by the Brazilian part of the menu, plus I really didn't understand what a lot of it was. Thankfully, I finally started trying items from the Brazilian entrees, and I haven't gone back to the Tex-Mex side since!

Feijoada (black bean stew)

Feijoada shown above is a black bean stew with a mix of sausage, beef, and pork. It is served with a side of rice, collard greens, farofa (toasted maize flour), and pao de queijo (cheese bun made with tapioca flour). The Bife A Milanese pictured below is a lightly breaded pan fried steak covered with ranchero sauce and served with a side of mashed potatoes, vegetables, and pao de queijo as well. The vegetables are a mix of corn, tomatoes, collard greens, and mushrooms; and is a great balance against the steak. I usually end up eating all of the vegetables before everything else. 

Bife A Milanesa

Sao Paulo's has such a great atmosphere in the evening. They dim the lights and each table has a small oil lamp. It's a great romantic spot for dinner!

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