Monday, August 29, 2011

First Post!

I am excited to start a food blog...finally! It has taken me a long time to just sit down and start it. I am new to the blogging world but hope that this will be a nice outlet for me besides slaving away in the lab all the time. Here is a little bit about myself:
  • Graduate student studying biochemistry (I know, I am a nerd).
  • I spend most of my time researching in a lab.
  • I like to take my lunch to work when I can. Especially if I cooked the night before and have leftovers.
  • I am not a vegetarian, but at times it seems like I am one.
  • My go to dessert when I need to bake something for a potluck or event is white chocolate raspberry cheesecake.
  • I will try pretty much any kind of food at least once, unless it is still alive and moving or an insect. There are some creepy delicacies out there. Other than that, I am not a picky eater whatsoever.
  • Balance is everything!
Anybody like cheesecake?! Here is sneak peak at one of my future recipe posts. 
Homemade white chocolate raspberry cheesecake with an oreo cookie crust (minus the cream filling).

Until next time, it is time for me to start remembering to take pictures of all the food that I eat. =)